Unbiased Learning to Rank: On Recent Advances and Practical Applications
WSDM 2024 Tutorial (website.

Learning from User Interaction: An Off-policy Contextual Bandits Perspective
RecSys Course 2024, UvA, Lecture Presentation .

Recent Advances in the Foundations and Applications of Unbiased Learning to Rank
SIGIR 2023 Tutorial (video-part1, video-part2).

Safe Deployment for Counterfactual Learning to Rank with Exposure-Based Risk Minimization
Invited talk at ShareChat ML seminar series (video).

Recent Advancements in Unbiased Learning to Rank
FIRE 2023 Tutorial .

Safe Deployment for Counterfactual Learning to Rank with Exposure-Based Risk Minimization
Invited talk at Meta AI, recommender systems team, New York .

VAE-IPS: Deep Generative Model for Unbiased Recommendation
Oral presentation at CONSEQUENCES@RecSys 2022 (video starts at 2:49:20). .